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BB 2018 - Winner Betting Odds


Rather than create a new thread every week, I've retitled this one to make it a general "Odds to Win" thread which can be updated as required.

(And if any other FMs notice sudden changes, feel free to provide updates yourself.)



Below is a snapshot of the initial betting odds for the 14 HMs on entering the house. For practical reasons it's largely taken from Betfred, and because it's based on the launch show it still includes Ellis - I've left her in as I think it's interesting that her initial odds were so short (no pun intended...):


Sian 4/1;

Cian 5/1;

Zoe 6/1;

Ellis 7/1;

Cameron 7/1;

Tomasz 7/1;

Lewis F 14/1;

Isaac 16/1;

Akeem 16/1;

Kay 16/1;

Lewis G 20/1;

Brooke 20/1;

Anamelia 20/1;

Kenaley 20/1


Probably not surprising that Sian's favourite at the start, but it's interesting that her odds aren't all that much shorter than the next 4-5, and there's a clear split already into a "favourites" group and a "chasing" group.


The few other bookies I've seen are broadly in agreement, although William Hill have Tomasz as 3rd favourite at 5/1 (possibly because they have taken Ellis' removal into account), and they have the chasing pack a lot closer to each-other at around 14-16/1, with Isaac their only HM on 20/1...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Original Post