andrew makes me laugh, mostly because he behaves as if he is a star, although he has litte dsicernible talnet, like many others, and an over rated opinion of himself, as do many others.
i remeber him on the prevoius BB when he was the task master for a glee song, he swanned in with his imaginary enourage gathered about him and announced' pleas e ust treat me like one of the guys and not a star'( an no one had a clue who he was)
josie was heard to say' 'ere' he's that H off Steps inn'ee?'
he's harmless tho.
ROFL oh that made me chuckle jacksonb, I'd forgotten that totally.
Andrew seemed better last night; the time spent on his own seems to have given him space to regroup. Almost like he'd thought it out and changed tactics - far less OTT. Also in the bedroom he was listening to Michael without fawning and guffawing at his every utterance.
Maybe he is a tough fecker like he says - he must be tough to survive in showbiz [albeit the fringes] so long?
He is a fascinating character - a bundle of insecurities with a thin veneer of false bravado on top. I keep hoping he's playing a game - that he's being like that because he knows the more extreme he is, the more the camera time he will get? I hope he's playing us, rather than the problems he displays being real.