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All right everyone, lets just calm the eff down and have some strawberries.

Boobs have been flashed, bums have been shown, trousers have been pulled.  There's no need to get angry, or defensive, or matriarchy on the matter.  Its just Big Brother, its just a tv show, its something that we probably won't give a toss about in a weeks time.  Although kudos to Channel 5 for making a somewhat decent series.


We're all decent folk here.


There's no need for judgement, no need for finger pointing, no need to feel ostracised, no need to feel you can't give your opinion. Let's all enjoy the housemates making fools of themselves and laugh along with them.


Besides, the only thing that really matters is that Michael Madsen is one badass mofo, who deserves to win....and anyone who disagrees clearly has mental problems *cough* Err, no need for finger pointing....erm.... 


Oh and a bonus point for anyone who understands the thread title

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