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Reply to "'AI' (artificial intelligence)."

Thanks for your link El Loro, but after reading the 'site first page' I realised that these reportings are of "programmable 'intelligent interfaces'" (IIs that can be pre-programmed for a speciffic task!) and 'not' AI per se, perhaps we should call these 'applications' (APPS) PII .

That said, because of my recent problems with my win 10 box, I begin to realise how our 'O/S es' (Operating Systems) can be modified by 'ROM' (Read Only Memory) within the 'boot' region by 'modifying' 'EEPROMs' (Electriclonicly Eraseable re-Programmable Read Only Memory).

This is the question! Should we exclude EEPROMs from any part of our 'boot' sector, or exclude them from any part,or parts of the Opperating System (this would make 'updates' impossible)?

IMHO it would be impossoble to 'update' an O/S without the/an 'EEPROM' chip in the 'boot/'O/S' region of the the 'HD'/ that could , or the region of the H/D O/S that can/could be modified by a 'disruptive inrluence'this can not be within the 'boot' or/and O/S sytems that is free to respond.

Your thoghts?

Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA uricat).
