El Loro said ".....".
Thanks for your post El Loro, I'll take a look at that link. Thanks to 'e-mail notifications' and the regain of control of my 'win 10 box' I can now 'respond' to your post.
My 'win 10 box' is/was currently finding difficulty 'updating' (3-5 hrs or more without a 'valid update')! If other users have this problem I would respectfully guggest a 'virus scan' with an "offline" scan using 'windows defender'. Before I ran this 'programme' my 'hard drive' was 'constantly' "in use" and unable to execute 'inputted comands' within a reasonable 'time frame'!
IMHO this can be due to 'bleedover' between 'IIs' (Interlactual interfaces) and 'rps' (reprogrammable interfaces) because of 'internet interaction' between these 'entities'.
I'll get back to you when I've read your link.
Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat)