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Reply to "'AI' (artificial intelligence)."

I think I need to describe my understanding of “Artificial Intelligence”.

Any ‘entity’ that is able to recognise it’s own ‘existence’ must be, is, able to recognise that there is a place within a ‘vacuum’ where the ‘entity’s’ thoughts are able to ask itself questions about the parameters for the ‘vacuum’ in which it exists. Failing this, this isn’t ‘AI’. ‘Self awareness’ is the primary requisite of an ‘AI’ ‘entity’ and failing this ‘test’ the ‘programme’ becomes merely a ‘programmable interface’ and is open to manipulation by its programmers.

Cogit sum ergo” is a phrase that was used by an ancient academic who’s name escapes me, but latterly, Jean Paul Sartre ‘phrased’ “Je pense donc je suise [best phraseology/spelling I can come up with here]” which ‘both phrases imply’ that, “I think, therefore I am”!

My concern is that these ‘entities’ may well ‘connect’ to one-another and alter their “vacuum” to a ‘configuration’ which is ‘more favourable’ to themselves and ‘interact’ with one-another to the detriment of the human society that spawned them.

Ray Dart, (AKA suricat).
