quote:Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I am not a fan of Sree and although there are aspects of marcus i do like, I don't like it when he continually uses any excuse to put Sree down using his weaknesses as reasons. Sree then goes does the same thing to Freddie.
What we have here are two underdogs who hate each other who both would like group approval but end up fighting with each other as the people who they have issues with cannot be fought. It's almost like dog baiting or cock fighting. I know that's extreme, but it's all I can think of to describe it.
Marcus could use any number of reasons for his dislike of Sree but by ridiculing and undermining Sree's efforts or abilities he is making himself look unpleasant, in my eyes.
Marcus also seems fairly unpopular in the house and I sometimes wonder if he is not also on the same trip as Sree. Marcus grinds on Sree, Sree grinds on Freddie and Freddie just has to keep blocking it and resisting it.
I know Marcus genuinely doesn't like Sree, that's obvious, but by using him as a scape goat it deflects from his own traits which have made him unpopular with people. People see Sree's faults held up to the light and forget Marcus' .... I think.
I agree with most of your sentiments. However, Sree doesn't try in all the tasks. When they had to learn the bamboo dance they were also jusdged on their efforts. While the others were practising, Sree would leave his group and go sit with the others. I think that's when Marcus really got fed up with him.
Sree only does what Sree wants to do, and flaffs about with the others.