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Reply to "5 british soldiers killed"

Reference: Blizzie
What about the Afghans who don't want the Taliban back? The ones who fought to get rid of the Taliban. The ones who risked their lives to cast votes for a government. Is it not their land as well?
A vast majority of the Afghan people do not want the Taliban back Blizz, that is a given.  But they seem to hold the power in Afghanistan at the moment.  The poor ordinary Afghan has always been faced with Warlords of some kind, never being allowed to rule their own country, and this has been going on for a very long time.  For Western countries to presume to know what the Afghan people want is a dangerous business.  Afghanistan is a tribal country and although they did hold elections, most people who voted did vote under duress.  The President now has got back in by default because his opposition pulled out.  The record shows that many countries have tried in Afghanistan and many have failed.  This is not the first attempt by Britain to bring peace to Afghanistan, there are many British graves dotted throughout that country.  Afghanistan is not Iraq, the terrain is different, and that is why so many people have failed throughout the years to bring stability to it. 

But there will be six more coffins returning to Britain soon, and I am wondering why lessons have not been learnt from history.
Twee Surgeon