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10 years
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Member Rank: #12

Posts By Rexi

  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Whatever tomorrow brings, whatever you believe in … or don’t believe in … I hope you have a lovely time tomorrow xxx I’ve just eaten out at an Indian restaurant … chicken shashlik followed by Baileys … sometimes you just have to shake up the norm!!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I booked three tickets for the new James Bond at a really posh cinema, armchairs, table service for food and drink. This was for me, for hubby as a birthday treat, and mum as a mother’s day treat. I don’t feel so smug today 😕
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    ....thay I cannot sign into the forum on my ipad? It says I must enable cookies, but I have cookies enabled. Anyone got any ideas?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    As some of you will know, my littlest child has come home for a year to save money to go travelling. We are about to fall out over, well, over loo rolls :) How do you hang your loo rolls? Is the hanging downy bit at the front or at the back?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Lying here beside you dear, I turn and watch you sleep, So blessed am I to have you, a love so strong and deep, You always say you love me, but I really love you more, That is until I'm startled by the most god awful snore! The noise is so outrageous...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    C'mon Andy ...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Have a great day Sydders xxx
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    strongly rumoured to be tomorrow (Weds). It's always a good shout ... I stock up on lots of birthday and *cough* winter solstice (I know I am not allowed to utter the C word this early) presents.   Get there early, all the good stuff goes really...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    ... that advert where the woman is in a purple silky dress with cut-out bits. What does she cover up on the top of her dress?   Can you tell I'm a bit bored?!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I've been invited to a fancy dress party in July - have to dress as a fictional character.   I've got to get the bus into Oxford, we are all meeting in a pub in the city centre, a two hour boat trip, then dinner and a bit of a bop the other end....
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Diana Ross on iTV 3 I would have made a brilliant Supreme ... I sound fantastic atm!!!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I'm going to watch the first one!! Kaffers is joining me (though she might protest that she's not, and just lurk!) Are you coming in for the laugh? :D
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I LOVED your Scotland ... I had the best time, thank you xxx
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I'm going to miss the final because I am on holiday ... so I haven't been watching anythin BB related for ages. However, tonight I find myself watching BBOTS. i thought you lot were cruel when you started calling Rylan teef. But they have...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Wanna come round to ours ... We are singing and dancing to Mamma Mia :D
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I mean, they loved Carol didn't they? And Jackie cooked and cleaned and was the mum of the house. What do you think - would she have got their vote?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    There is is member online over there called Trix >>>>>>>. Are you Trixibell?  If you are, come and say hello ... and if you're not, come and say hello anyway!!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Go to and type in your Twitter name. Click in the first result. made me laugh :laugh:
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I just can't post in any threads ... it's gone all coggy on me, so I will sit here and watch the awards all on my own. night night
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Oh please help me ... I thought I was quite good at computers, but this has me completely baffled. I've just downloaded iTunes onto my laptop and I want to transfer music to my ipad. But when I go to iTunes on the lappy, click on music and put a...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    A group of 15-year-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Dairy Queen, next door to the Ocean View restaurant, because they had only $6.00 among them and Brad Johnson, the cute boy in Social Studies,...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Tesco sent me some 'reprinted vouchers' ... but when I try to spend them online it says that they have already been spent   Any explanations/ideas??
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I met someone at the pub quiz tonight who is called Duds!!! Just thought I'd share:laugh:
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Gawd, the drama round here ... youngest gets an email from her second choice uni this morning to say she hasn't got a place. Floods of tears from her. Then her first choice phones and asks if she has her results yet, when she said no he said...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I have spent the last hour trying to compile an online photobook of my son's graduation pictures. I swear - it would have been easier to have written his dissertation! Still, it's done now :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Have you heard of these words that this total randomer is playing on Words With Friends with me atm? GhisZedoaryEticTrankEyenActa 
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I very rarely post on Facebook, but I did tonight and all of my three friends are commenting. As soon as someone does the computer pings, quickly followed by the ipad, then a few minutes later off goes the Blackberry. I feel very connected and...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    where are you going on holiday? I'm going to Lanzorote in three weeks with two girlie friends. I cannot wait for sun, sea, and sitting by the pool reading a book!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    to get my summer clothes out? It seems like a complete waste of time :disapp: I've got the electric  fire on ... IT'S MAY for God's sake
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Are you watching? I shall take you by  the hand and lead you through Oxford life :)- 
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I left work at 4 pm and met two friends in the Head of the River, we had two bottles of wine, sat outside in the sunshine, looking upriver in brilliant sunshine. Bit decadent for midweek?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    nothing at all really :) Been for a walk in the rain, watched Midsummer Murders, Rosemary and Thyme, read about a week's worth of papers, (lost) loads of WWF. What have you got up to this bank holiday Monday?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    on BBC4 now? I've just got back from the pub and am singing and dancing round the sitting room :) New York, New Yoooooork
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    to go and see Paul Merton at the theatre. Don't. Don't do it. Save your money. If I had had this advice before last Monday I would now be £50 richer and wouldn't have had to sit through two and a half hours of inanity
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I'm so excited ... I've never made one before :D Sorry - as you were - I just got a bit excited then for a minute
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I've just got back from the pub quiz. We have a picture round. One of the pictures was of that Emma woman from BBOTS ... I knew her first name was Emma, but couldn't remember her surname. What sort of BB FM am I - sorry folks :disapp: They...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Programme about Les Mis ... BBC4 right now. It's a repeat, but I thought you might be interested :kiss:
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Oh man ... I had such fun in there today :) I took a list with me and I've got all my birthday presents and all my Christmas presents (eat your heart out Sweet :laugh: ) I feel grrrrreat :thumb:
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    It was, it was ... wasn't it??
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    enjoy peeps - I haven't got the patience :wave:
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    enjoy peeps - I haven't got the patience :wave:
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Not funny so far :disapp: