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Member Rank: #679

Posts By Racktheshack

  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    why the bloody hell when I made a playlist for the ipod did it wipe everything else off. how can I keep all my songs and have a playlist too. i f%^&$**g hate ipods.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    about 50 cds. I've been at it half the day while chatting here so thanks for the company guys. Let's hope and pray i can make a playlist on ipod without too much difficulty or 'twill all have been for nowt.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Having big party on sat night. I'm currently burning cds onto pc in work cos the laptop was stolen so that i can then make a playlist for the ipod. I have a dreaded suspicion that I'll have spent hours putting them all on to discover that I then don't...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    This may have been suggested before so forgive me for raking up old news....haven't been around much. Anyway, is or was Marcus a forum member. A few weeks ago he was talking about if he left that week what he would like to do. One of the things he...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    sorry but I'm too lazy to go looking for threads but was it Marcus or Kris that said about Sophie being quiet. sorry to drag up old news but I never saw the original conversation so I don't know who was lying.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    well some of you are here. I didn't know what site everyone was using when doh!!! Googled where are all c4bb forumers and hey presto. For those of you that remember me Hi ...God I hope one or two do or that means I made no impact before...and for...