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10 yearsModerator
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Points: 80,340
Member Rank: #87

Posts By Lori

  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    It's happened again! We're having another anniversary! I can't believe it's been 15 years, but I guess these things happen, huh? Anyway, just wanted to be the first to wish you all a very happy anniversary!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Let me be the first to wish you all a very happy FOURTEENTH anniversary!! I hope you are all well--things have certainly changed in this world since we first started, but your friendship is a welcome constant!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I can't believe it's actually been 13 years since we welcomed you from the Channel 4 forums. A LOT has happened since then, and this core of very special people has stuck together. I appreciate you all, and I look forward to another year! Happy Anniversary!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all! It's time for another "site maintenance event", which will impact this site during the hours of 4pm tomorrow to 4am on Thursday. As usual, for most of the time you will notice nothing, but you may encounter our friendly robot occasionally, for periods of up to 30 seconds. Here's hoping it doesn't happen at a particularly bad time...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Our team will be performing maintenance on the the servers today. The maintenance is scheduled for 4pm tonight (your time) to 4am tomorrow. Most of the time you won't notice a thing, but sometime in that window, the site could be down for up to 10 minutes. So, as per usual in these circumstances, if you get the little robot guy, go fix a cup of tea, and come back in 10 minutes. :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I would like to wish all of you another anniversary!! Another year of sticking by each other through the all the stuff that goes on in our weird world, and caring about each other enough to check up on each other when someone goes radio-silent. You all are a very special kind of people, and I want to hug all of you (virtually, of course!) Happy Anniversary!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We're doing maintenance on the servers tomorrow (no software changes, I promise!) The maintenance window will be from 4pm to 4am on the 16th (your time). During that timeframe there will be the occasional outage of up to 30 seconds, but the site will be functioning normally most of the time. You know the drill: if you see the robot guy, you should go get a cup of tea (or maybe something stronger?) and/or a snack. By the time you get back, everything should be OK. :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: There will be a very brief outage today as we roll out a minor release. You should notice no changes on the site, but i wanted you to know that, if you get the robot guy, it'll just be momentary. :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    We will be deploying a software update on Thursday that will require downtime. The window for the downtime starts at 4PM and ends at 7PM your time. During that window, the site could be down for up to 1 hour, but should be operating normally for most of the window. You may be interested in what's happening during this update. Ted wrote a blog post about it : the primary change is that the front page will have a "social feed" that will allow you to scroll through the content more easily. I'll...
  • Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
    Hi, all: On Monday, June 1st, we will be updating this forum to a newer version. There will be no loss of functionality, but it will definitely look different. After the change, we can tweak a few settings to make it look a little more like what you're used to, but please be prepared for a change! A major advantage to the new version is that it looks really good on mobile devices. I know that a lot of you use your phones, so you may appreciate the cleaner, more modern experience. There is no...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We'll be doing maintenance on the systems tomorrow. The maintenance window is 4pm tomorrow - 4am Thursday your time--I know, I know, it's the worst possible timing for you. :( The good news is that you should only suffer occasional "power cuts" of up to 30 seconds, so you should just need a little bit of patience. :) Or, you could just find something else to, curl your hair or something?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    While this may be the weirdest time in our history, I want to wish you all a very happy anniversary, and to thank you for sticking with each other through quarantine isolation. I know I've benefited from your company, and I appreciate you all SO MUCH!! Happy 11th Anniversary!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Today we're releasing a software update at some point during the day. While there may be a very small "power cut", it shouldn't last more than a minute or so. When it's done, I'll be enabling a few fun little features: 1. Reactions: We'll be replacing this: With this: which just gives you more options than a simple like. You'll find these reactions at the bottom of the post, instead of the top. 2. You'll notice a coloured bar on the left side of each post. The colour will be...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Just wanted to alert you to the fact that we are changing the brand name of the software that powers this community from to Crowdstack. The change will happen on Monday at about 4pm GST, and you will hardly notice a thing. Mostly, you'll see the icon at the bottom of the page change, but we aren't making any other changes, so you'll hardly feel a thing. ;) There will be a very brief power cut (<- @Saint that's for you!) but it should be hardly noticeable. :) Lori
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    We'll be doing an update to the site software tomorrow, and it's scheduled for 5pm - 9pm. Sometime during that timeframe, there could be downtime of up to an hour. So, you know, use that time wisely, and we'll see you on the other side! :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We will be doing maintenance on the systems that power this community for the purpose of maintaining and improving the security and stability of the service. This maintenance is scheduled for August 28th. The maintenance window will be from 4:00PM to 4:00 AM (the 29th) BST. During the maintenance window, there will be up to 4 hours of total downtime. Most of the time the community will function as normal, so if you come here and see that the site is down, just check back later!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Today is our 10th anniversary! Woo-hoo!!! I0 years ago, you joined us here to talk about BB, and look at what's happened since then! (Never mind how much we've all aged...) There are a number of you who have been with us since the beginning, and are still hanging out here today! Those of you who registered on this site in 2009 and have posted within the last few months have a new badge next to your site to confer the appropriate honor. Thanks for all you've taught me, and here's to 10 more ...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Just a quick note to let you know that we will be performing maintenance on the servers that power this site tomorrow, October 10th, from 12am to 12pm GMT. During that time, you may experience brief outages (not to be confused with outrages ) of up to 30 seconds at a time. If that happens, just come back in a minute or two, and all should be as normal.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I can't believe it's been 9 years since you all came over from Channel 4 to our little site! I appreciate all of you, and I consider you my friends. Happy Anniversary!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Here it is, the event you've been waiting for: the year's first server maintenance! Tomorrow, from 4PM until 4AM on Wednesday, we'll be doing maintenance on the servers that power this site. You may experience outages (yep, I said "outages") for up to 30 seconds at a time, but shouldn't have any issues beyond that. Enjoy!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We just had a new release today, and it includes the option for you to deactivate or delete your own account. Obviously, I hope you never feel the need to do that, but it does happen. If you go to update your profile, you'll see a couple of links on the right: Deactivate Account and Delete Account. Deactivation can be temporary (in case you get yourself worked up but know that you might change your mind.) You can just...disappear for awhile, and the option to come back with the...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We're doing maintenance on the servers tomorrow (nothing to do with the https, just yet). The maintenance period is from 4pm - 4am, and you may experience occasional brief interruptions of up to 30 seconds, but the forums will be functioning normally for the majority of the time. You know the drill by now: if it happens to you, take it as a sign that it's time for a cup of tea.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Just wanted to let you know that, in the next few days, we'll be changing this site to a secure site (https:), as browsers are starting to issue warnings about insecure sites. This MAY mean that some of images or attachments you've uploaded to the site may not display properly, but I think we'll be able to fix that--I'm just not sure, yet. I'll keep you posted on this thread, and let you know if it will help for you to report broken images as you come across them. :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Just wanted to alert you that we have maintenance scheduled for tomorrow, between 4pm and 4am (the 16th). During that time there will be the occasional outage of up to 30 seconds, but the site will be functioning normally most of the time. So, you know the drill: use that time to fetch yourself a cup of tea (or something stronger, maybe... )
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We are doing more work on the servers tomorrow, I'm afraid. The maintenance window will be from 4 :00 PM on the 15th to 4:00 AM on the 16th, BST. During the maintenance window, there will be occasional outages of up to 30 seconds. If you bump up against an error screen (or super-slowness), just try again in a minute. *hopes to get partial credit from Saint*
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: we're doing a security update tomorrow! Yippee! ;) The maintenance window will be from 4 :00 PM on the 28th to 4:00 AM on the 29th (your time). During the maintenance window, there will be occasional outages of up to 30 seconds. If you bump up against an error screen (or super-slowness), just try again in a minute. :) *waits for Saint*
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Today is our 8th anniversary! Can you believe it? Thank you ALL for enriching my life. You've taught me so much!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Just wanted to let you know that we're doing maintenance on all the servers tomorrow. The window for the maintenance will be 6pm - 10pm your time, and there will be up to 60 minutes of downtime somewhere in that window. The community will be functioning normally for the majority of the window, however. This seems like a good time for you to wrap Christmas presents and such.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We will be doing on maintenance on the systems tomorrow. The window will be from 4pm to 2am your time. Like last time, there will be occasional outages of up to 30 seconds, which gives you time to go fix a snack or something. :D
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We are doing maintenance on the servers that power this site tomorrow. The maintenance window is 4pm to midnight, your time. During that window, there will be "occasional outages of up to 30 seconds." For most of the maintenance window, however, the site will be functioning normally. So, if you encounter an error, just go get a cup of tea or something stiffer, if you prefer. By the time you get back, you should be able to hit "refresh" and continue as usual. See you on the other side!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Which would you like first? Oh, the bad news? OK, here we go: There will be an outage tomorrow (yep, Saint, an outage!) for UP TO 60 minutes while we do a software release, sometime between 6pm and 10pm*, which is, I know, prime posting time for you guys. :( The good news? At least it's not happening while BB is on! :D May you all be blessed with lovely weather during that time, so you can be outside enjoying it. *In case my clock math is bad (which has happened...) the release is happening...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I can't believe it's been SEVEN years since we "met"! I'm so glad to know all of you. Each of you contributes something special to this community, and I want to thank you all for everything - I've learned so much from you! Here's to many more years of togetherness!
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: Just wanted to alert you to the fact that we have to restart all of servers tomorrow after we've done some maintenance. This means we'll experience a short L(ess than 5 minutes) interruption (for Saint, that's an "outage") sometime tomorrow. In other words, expect it when you least expect it! Note that I've just edited this to say "tomorrow", as I originally said "today". What day is this??
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all:   We're very excited to be releasing an update that makes the software responsive. In case you're not familiar with that term, it means that the software will adapt to any size screen, meaning that you won't have to squint at your smart...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all:   Just wanted to warn you that we will be doing maintenance on the systems that power this site. This maintenance is scheduled for November 18 and November 19, 2015. The maintenance window will be from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Eastern...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Just wanted to wish you all a happy anniversary! Today (the 26th...which I realize it's not for you all, but it still is for me) is 6 years since we started hosting your community.    I have enjoyed your company for these 6 years, and I have...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    This probably sounds familiar....but we're doing maintenance on the server again, which will result in the "occasional outage* of up to 30 seconds". This is scheduled for today and tomorrow, sometime between 8pm and 3am your time. So, remember: if you...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hope you're having a lovely birthday! :)   ps. you share a birthday with my lovely granddaughter, who turns 3 today! 
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    We are doing maintenance on the systems today and tomorrow, between 9pm and 4am. During these windows, there will be occasional outages of up to 30 seconds. So, if you get an error  message, just wait a minute and try again. :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all: We're doing maintenance on all of our servers to do a security patch for the Ghost vulnerability that was discovered on Tuesday. Our outage window is from 5pm - midnight tonight, but the outage itself will only be about 3 minutes. So, if you...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all:   Just wanted to let you know that we are having a little downtime this evening in order to do a new software release. Sometime during 10pm and midnight your time, the site will be down for a short time. It probably won't happen right at...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all:   We are releasing an update tonight at midnight your time. The outage may last up to 30 minutes. Hope you guys can manage! :)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Hi, all:   On the heels of today's reply-posting problems, I wanted to let you know about another potential downtime period.    Tomorrow, from 7-10 pm your time (I know, I know, prime posting time for you) we are doing system...