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Posts By Dobby1
TV ShowsBig Brother UKOK, it's a numbers game this week and I need Lisa out!!I like spiders idea of saving Hira, but reading on here that might not be enough.All advice welcome
TV ShowsBig Brother UKI have new glasses (yesterday) but am seeing double vision of words.These glasses are a lot stronger than the ones they are replacing and I have another hospital appointment in two weeks. Should I put my old ones on, or try to work with the new ones....
TV ShowsBig Brother UKSo, have you seen it?? what did you think?I am going to go again!It is really funny but you do need to divorce the book from the film.
Just For FunUK LoungeI have had to send *Yogi Bear* to the naughty thread. Did you see her in the BB garden and the mess she's made of the chair??I have sent her into the naughty thread and banned her from the Harry Potter film thread. *to be started when the film is out!
TV ShowsBig Brother UKHave you ever used a sauna?How long can you safely stay in there?What do you usually drink? I drink water but read somewhere that fruit juice is better.Thanks
TV ShowsBig Brother UKOMG, NO!! Really????????? Are you a cheesecake Insert your name's a cheesecake"!
TV ShowsBig Brother UKOr am I wasting energy?I want to know - do you really think Barca could win the champions league? I am worrying that they might!
TV ShowsBig Brother UKThis thread is sensible, which is why we are in here anything sensible to tell me?I thought that was the rain on, there.(pssst if Elmo's Friend and Russ arrive, just keep talking sense, thank you.)
Just For FunUK LoungeWe, the undersigned, Love you Mr Darlo.You are our soap gossip king, you are our footie guru, and you generally make rhis place fun!
Just For FunUK LoungeSome Muppet has nicked my trumpets!!OK it might be that they were deleted from smileysupply Return my bliddy trumpets!
Just For FunUK LoungeHiya and welcome to the Three Broomsticks. A home for ZiggyHarry Potter fans to discuss their hero and his mates at Hogwarts..Are we all looking forward to the film?Sorry - I just wanted to change the title of the thread! And now we state that we...
SurveyWould you like GBBF and BBOT threads back in their usual placesWhere would you put the 'High Street'
(inc Gin Palace, Spooners, Gothy's etc)Will you sign my petition to move Elmo's Greasyspoon to the Troll Tank? -
Just For FunUK LoungeIs anybody else running around like a headless chicken??
TV ShowsBig Brother UKOK, let's go, Let's cook what Marco taught us and feed the forum.I want chips, where's the chips!!