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10 years
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Points: 3,549
Member Rank: #388

Posts By *bubbles*

  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    wen it all boils down to it me son is just a sh*t machine. a do widout me stellas to put food in his bowl n all it does is turn into stinking s**t. he doesnt even do it in the toilet he soils his clothes insted. duti bastad. so am basiclly spendin money on makin s**t or sumtimes spew. lol wen u think of it like that why do ppl wana hav kids.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    anywey so av bin seein this bird reet am queit into her shes 21 a cant help how a feel. so anywey she wanted to gan campin so a sed ye n off we went shes got a polo jus past her test. a thort wid be gan propa campin like in the wild n that sittin round a fire n pissin in bushes but a got there n thers loadsa tents n a road in the middel n propa bogs in a buildin at the end of the road. so that was that a thort fair enuf not wot a hoped for but al jus get on wid it as long as a get a few...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    who do u like best presetan big brother emma wils or davina mcall ? ano who a like better but a wont say jus yet
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    to cut a long story short a last year a went on me holidays to scarbra wid me mates. we wanted to go abrord but 2 of em wer out on lisense so cud only gan scarbra. anywez we went n had a blast got recked evry nite stellas were flowin things wer tekin wiped us out even woke up on scarbra beach in me spiderman undies 1 mornin it was cayos man hardly remember oot. well 1 of the nites we got chatin to these chicks 2 of em wer from ejipt n they wer propa into me n gev me the time of day n wanted...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    buga this
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    why do womens nipples get blurd out but mens dont? shudnt it be eqolaty
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    av bin roped into goin to amsterdam for a weekend with this woman. to be honest a didnt no she was been serius but shes went n booked the hotel n booked the flights. a shuda told her a wasnt arsd aboot gan but you no wen ya just get roped into stuf n...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    why the frig do channel 5 not show big bro live its mental man how we ment to know whats happenin is realy happenin n not them been told what to do by the big bro bosses. man a hope chan 4 get it back it was better then a miss watchin it on...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    am back here for big bro am lookin forward to it man a hope thers sum talent gan in ther. a was gona apply but a reckon me record will count agenst me unforchanly so didnt bother who else wants to talk aboot big bro?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    one for the blokes realy but women feel free to hav ur input aswel if u wanna. so a was at a house party las nite n this pretty hot lass decided to sit on me nee for sum odd reason a didnt complain coz she was fit n lookd like tulisa but thing is a...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    aimin to be paraletic by midnite. but is ther only so much stella can do?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    havin sady n lauren on the go at the same time. just greedy man ther both worldys imagine just havin 1 of em nevamind 2. eastenders is good but it sumtimes hits home the pains of havin a face only a mother cud love. merry frigin christmas lol
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    just bin watchin eastenders on me iplayer n av just realised lola michells kid lexi is ben michells kid aswell. as a viewer a think this is a good storyline coz a dont think other soaps hav tackled an inbred story before so it will be intrestin to...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    hi guys! need a bit of advice off me pals in ere. yer so av bin working at this place mainly doin dogs body work (it pays the bills yknow).. but anyway the hours a do a always need a crap during me shift every day and a dunno bout everyone else but...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    orite ladys can contriboot if they want yeh so bin sleepin wid this scouse woman recently n she sez av gota get a haircut down below. but a duno wer to start man av never even considerd this before a just normally let it gan how it wants n only...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    yep u red it right. am on the brink of getin mesel a new job delivarin letters. by luck realy but considrin the cards av bin delt in life a deserve a bit of luck so fingas crossed but its lookin good postman bubbles - comin soon to a letterbox near...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    me dog mushrooms has bin fartin all the time pure stinkin the place out so today a farted in his face wen he was excited about goin on a walk. am ashamed of mesel
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    mushrooms av called him decided after the setbacks av had a needed sumthing to cheer me up n a thorght a dog wud be nice so a got 1 his a chip off the old block he likes the same things as me least he doesnt hav to get a job lol
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    what a milf she is. if a was ryan a wudnt be able to contan mesel lol
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    do u like her n her music i like her music but shes me dream woman ad marry her tomora. she wudnt marry me tho lets face facts
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    so a duno if a told u this but a got me life back on track after layin low for a bit wile the wind blew over me past. a got mesel a job thru a pal of me mates just been a dogs body for a kitchen fitter company but it cud of led to bigger n better...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    never known such a lame bunch. frigin hell man all they do is that stupid urrr urrrr thing and shout get spidey out in ther lame acsants its like a bunch of 2yr olds man its so lame they shud get millwall fans ther if they wert playin tonite giv em...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    did any1 see inside indiana nick wid trevor mcdonald last thursda? if not u shud watch it it givs a idea of what its like been behind bars obv its coman knollege that av bin in durham nick for assault but this is a diffrant level. a thorght durham...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    bin watchin corrie from last cuple of weeks and a thorght i was stupid but these gonks tek stupidnes to a new level. 1st off kylie she didnt want dave findin out she was up the duff by daves boyo nick so what does she do she does a pregnansy test n...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    what is the point in em? got job interview tomorro n i av to wer a tie but a just dont see the point in em they dont hold anything togetha they not likr shoelases wer if u dont av em they fall off.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    is back :D hope uv all missed me av missed u back wid a bran new i phone
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    12 months ago a was on the verge of gan inside for sumfing a didnt even do. well a did do it but a didnt no it was stolen so was inasunt if that meks sense. had no job. bin dumped by me bird (42yr old humdinger what was a finking!). missed me boyos...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    simple question. whos the hottest forum member youv seen? for ppl who duno what hottest means its best looking or fittest or basicly the 1 youd most like to have sex wid,so like if you like women whos the hottest woman forum member youv seen on here n...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    remember seein her on the free 10 minute freeview 1 night on television x nd is it jus me or does any1 else think shes not even all that n nowt special not rly television x matereal? just not tidy i dont think def not enuf for tv x
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    went to see aboot a job last week at this little call centre place n ther was a few of uz ther n this lad sed to me a bet them lasses get the job coz theyv got nice tits n the bloke looks like a tit man he was in his 40s so i thort nowt of it then...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    well the other week ad had a few so gave in and ended up givin her me number thru facebook coz shed bin sendin me loadsa pms. so after a few texts then she ends up wantin to gan to mcdonalds wid me i was like wooh wooh wooh man but av got this problem...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    is any1 else just not get this?ano the brians and craig are in but a thort itd be all the winners how can it be ultimat housemate from all series wen the houses gona be full of losers from all the series. say if nikky graham won it wud be a pisstake...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    got this lass keepin sendin me private msgs on facebook a think she mite be stalkin me. dont even no her but shes alredy gev me her number a didnt even ask for it the only thing is shes a bit of a munter a bit of a humdinger minger to be honest. a...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    sed this to a bird in middelsbra las nite n it worked a went back to hers
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    cant beat it man. got 18 pack of bottles. like cans beter but bottles is nice aswell aslong as its stella any1 else joinin me in a sunday evnin stella
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    now yer all presumin av done sumit wrong eh well its me whats the victim this time man a got me head kicked in off some headcases the other night in some bogs. proper did me over n that had to gan in the fraccha clinic but theyv got them leavin on...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    to see me belovid newcastle gannin up 2night!cant wait man gona hav a few pints to celabratetoon toon barmy army toon toon barmy army toon toon
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    sittin with a 24 pack of stella watchin saving private ryan. this is the life man.great been a free man.anyone else watchin it?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    ever since a got oot the nick av bin tryin to fin a bird so a keep on the strate n narrow so a was on omegle b4 chattin n a was gettin no wer until a met this american chick 17 ano 17 is a bit young considrin am gona be 23 this yr but she seems keen n...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    how much are they ?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    so not bin on ere much lately. hav u all missed me? or did u not even notice i havnt bin here lol gud to be back though. missed uz all even the pensioners
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    me birds askin questions what am doin on the internet. i said its non of your busness she sed it is then a sed well do i ask what u nd ur mates talk about wen am not ther she sez its diffrent cos its real life then i sed well my real life mates are in...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    me mam sez a can help her pick me boyos name when she has him in november but a dont no many good boy names a dont wana gimpy name so am comin to u for ideas n ill note the ones that a like downthe only 1 av thougt of so far is dave
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    newcastles ganin up ganin up ganin upor man after all the bad times hughton is finaly gettin us the wins we want. forget shearer a dont want him. hughton is god
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    im back haha. im startin college on the 9th pure brickin it so decided to come n see me frends
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    a like old ppl now probaly coz of this place coz before a came here a just fort all geriatrics were boring n spitefull n bitter but a shudnt of judged u all.well now a like old ppl n a helpd 1 cross the road 2day wen it was pissin down n windy.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    got 1 tomoro realy dont wana fk it up like i do wiv most things.any1 no what they ask ya n dya just wear ya normal clothes or do u av to dress to impresspure nervous manno pisstake replys please
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    it meks me more normalloadsa ppl in the same boat. meks me feel part of soceity