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Points: 3,000
Member Rank: #411

Posts By apricot

  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    Hi folks, asking this question as it came to me when I was thinking, of when a parent is seated somewhere, anywhere, and see their child, what exactly do they see? I know you see the child, but in your mind's eye, in a quiet moment, you would or might...
  • Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
    Why are some fms Groupee Members and some not? It's an easy question, and I did ask it, but was fobbed off, like one fm said why does it matter, but it does matter when one is faced with 2 options in the registration box and you don't know the answer,...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    As Emoqueen was a member of C4 BB Forum then I thought I'd make this Thread to wish him a Happy Birthday, and when I get the smileys page up, I'll add a gift or two. Hope some others here will also wish him a Happy Birthday. xxxxx
  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    Thought you might like this, great game eh.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Too many threads and pages here to look at, so asking ALL here if they know where Edwardian Lil is? If you come across her, tell her, or ask her, to go to the Lounge, which isn't just for boozing, it's full of other threads ok, and thanks.
  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    One geegee who was master of the above situation.
  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    Hi folks left Lil a message I was making a thread for Tea parties, and here it is...and I need a lie down too. Welcome Lil and party folk.. xxxxx