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Just For FunUK Lounge
Hicky's Chat Room
Hicky Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz. Wow, that was a scary trip to the shop Baz, the feller could have mental problens or maybe he's high on drugs, could be hard to tell, think the police should have been informed so they could have a word with him and find out what he's up to and why hes there. My lad arrived in Berlin ok today, he said it was pretty hot there as well. I managed to spray my trees this morning as wind had eased and sun was shady so did all the trees. I had a text chat with a... [ more ]
Baz Afternoon Mollie annd Hicky Overcast , but mild here today . I had a very eventful walk , and not in a good way . I was strolling down a side road, heading to a local shop , when I noticed a guy acting a bit strangely just ahead of me. He crossed the road right in front of a car . I saw the car driver wind his window down and shout at him. I presumed it was because the guy had walked in front of his car , but as the car driver reached me he leant over and said ….”don’t go near that guy love... [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Does my cat have a broken bone?
lowerback I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. It's heartening to know that he was able to recover from his initial injuries, but this new issue definitely sounds worrisome. Although it's a good sign that he doesn't seem to be in pain and is acting normally, any unusual changes in your pet's physical condition should be checked by a professional. Please consult with a veterinarian as soon as you can. They have the necessary training and expertise to determine what this protrusion could be and... [ more ]
Baz Awww how cruel some people are I’d take him to the vets if I was you Cats [ more ]
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